i need a life coach--forest path

Those voices inside your head may be saying you’re ready for change. But how to know for sure? Read on to see how working with a life coach might be something to consider.

Do I need a life coach? I need a life coach! 

If these thoughts have been running through your mind, you’re not alone. And if you’re wondering what signs to look for that say I do, you’re in the right place.

In this post, we’ll talk about–

  • Self talk that signals it’s time to level up your life.
  • How to identify the thoughts that hold  you back from a more fulfilling life. 
  • How to begin a new conversation with yourself. 

Ready to put those voices on your side? And make some real, positive changes in your life?

Let’s get started.

What Those Voices Are Saying and Why

i need a life coach--woman Whispering to another

When we feel stuck, dissatisfied or unfulfilled, it’s common for our thinking–those voices in our head– to send us messages that keep us anchored to where we are.

Which makes perfect sense. Where we are is familiar to us, it’s comfortable, it’s safe. 

Buuuttt…it also holds us back from new experiences. The risk that comes with change, that jeopardizes our sense of comfort in the way things are, is also what allows us to grow. To move on from an identity that better serves the needs and expectations of others, and from our habitual ways of operating in an uncertain world.   

So, those thoughts about finding a life coach may just be you, yearning for something more, something different. A signal you’re ready for a change.   

How to know for sure? We’ve included 9 common signs that suggest you might benefit from partnering with a life coach. 

Nine Signs You May Need a Life Coach

1. You Feel Totally Lost About How to Move Forward

i need a life coach-Boat anchored in the water

This is what I’ve always done.  

This is what my friends and family expect from me. 

No one understands why I’m not happy.  

People are tired of hearing me complain. 

Lack of satisfaction is a clear signal something is not aligned in your life.  Working  with a coach who’s 100% focused on helping you gain insight and  perspective about your options can help you lift the anchor.

You’ll move forward and feel the pull of the current of new possibilities. 

2. You’re Inspired To Take Action But You Never Do  

Sunset over water

Life is demanding. I don’t have time.  I am too tired.   What difference will it make anyway?  

An object in motion stays in motion.  An object at rest stays at rest.  What is really behind your procrastination?  Wouldn’t it be exciting to discover what life could be like if you were moving down the path you dream about!  

A life coach can help you uncover what is behind your excuses for not taking action.  Solutioning for the right problem is a key to success.   Now you have freed up energy to use moving forward. 

3. You’re Confused About What Direction To Take 

Person standing in a maze

There’s so many possibilities, it’s  hard  to narrow it down.  I’ve  gone down rabbit holes before, I don’t want to waste my time making similar mistakes.  

You and I know that one step forward and two steps back won’t  produce the results you are looking for.  However, the options life presents can trigger anxiety, confusion & overwhelm.

As valuable  as it is to work through the myriad of possible outcomes, it is important not to allow indecision to paralyze you.  Life coaching will help you discover the path that aligns with who you are, what you value, and how you want to use your talents and limited time.  

4. Your Fears Are Bigger Than Your Vision of the Future  

Giant spider approaching small standing person in the shadows of the night

How will my life change?  Will I become a different person?  And what does that  mean for my relationships? 

Woah woah woah… slow down and recognize when fear is running your show. Fear of the consequences if things don’t work out? Or conversely, if they do work out? 

How could your life, and how you feel about your life, change if you gave greater time and energy to all the positive possibilities that your fears are blocking out?

A life coach can help you to put your fears into perspective, and help you make empowered choices that will move you towards satisfaction and fulfillment. 

5. You Start Taking Steps But Can’t Seem to Stick With It 

Lap top with hamster in front facing towards audience

I’m on a roll… and something comes up. And I’m back where I started.  I get distracted.  And once I start drifting it’s hard to get back on course. 

Sustaining change can be difficult.  Commitment and accountability are essential for the long game.  It can help to have a coaching partner to navigate through the foggy stretches. 

6.  None of the Things You Try Seem to Help 

Spashing waves against rocks

I thought I had the answer. But in the end, nothing really changed.  I initially felt that  rush of excitement and then came crashing back  to reality.   

It’s all learning.  A coach can help you cultivate self-compassion as you harvest lessons from your experience.  This will  put  you on a sustainable path, and reignite your excitement.  

7.  You Get Conflicting Advice, and Feel Confused 

Arrows pointing different directions

I feel confused. I find myself wondering if people are just telling me what works best for them.  I can’t do some of the things they’re  telling me I should do.    

The pay-off for remaining confused is remaining firmly stuck right where you are now.  

There are many different paths forward, and a life coach can help you discover the one that feels right for you now, while being open to making changes as you learn along the way.   

8. You Don’t Think It’s Possible to Make Any Big Changes

Dark star filled sky

I don’t have the resources I need to make meaningful changes.  I feel like an imposter when I tryWho am I to think I deserve more from life?

A life coach can help you access your resourcefulness, and help you connect  to your personal power, growing your courage and confidence along the way.  The yearning you feel is the seed of your potential.  With the right support, you’ll grow into every change you need to make to become the person you were meant to be.

9.  It’s Not You,It’s Everyone and Everything Else In Your Life That Needs  to Change

Pomeranian dog with glasses typing on a laptop

When he/she/they change, I’ll change. When I get married… when I get divorced…. when I have more money… when I have more free time…. when my kids are in school,  when my kids move out… when I retire… 

This is a BIG one.  

You need to get on the wait-loss diet.  When you stop waiting for everything else to change you will see results every time.  A life coach can  help you identify what you CAN  control, and take steps in that direction.  

Your power exists in the present moment; taking small actions NOW can be incredibly empowering.  You will be amazed at how other people and circumstances change in response to the changes you are making.  

No Matter Who You Are, Support is Available

Carved hand standing on the earth supporting a large tree branch growing  sideways from large tree

A fulfilling life is every person’s birthright.  That  includes you.

Your next play doesn’t need to be perfect, nor is there any  one right way.  And you don’t need to let the judgment of yourself or others become a dam that blocks your progress. 

You can say no to sacrificing your fulfillment in the  service of others.  Your people will continue to love and appreciate you, and when you stop caretaking, they may even discover new capabilities for themselves. 

You don’t need to play a role– no matter how good you are at it– if it isn’t  fulfilling to you.  Your value is not determined by your performance, and the good opinion of others. 

There’s no need to navigate alone. There are people who will understand and support you.  The fullness & depth of who you are is a beautiful gift you can choose to share as you see fit. 

You can create space for everything that is important to you.  

Fear doesn’t need to be the controlling force in your life. There are trustworthy people you can partner with. 

You can narrow down the options and pick a direction that works for you now.  Now need not be forever.  There will still be time for exploring and playing along the way. 

It is admirable that you look out for others, but your evolution requires you to take a stand for yourself, and maybe even risk being vulnerable about what you need. 

It may feel easier to fall asleep to yourself, but a life of meaning, purpose, and deep joy is possible when you commit to bringing your dreams and longings to life.   

Do I Need a Life Coach? The Answer Might Be Clearer

Glowing lightbulb hanging n a dim room

So, do you need a life coach?  Hopefully, the answer is clearer to you now.

If any of these signs speak to you, there are several options you could explore. 

You can investigate how to move forward on your  own.  There are hundreds of career and personal development books that include coaching tools designed to help you coach yourself.  

Taking a class or participating in an online course is another option.  On-demand courses allow you to progress at your own pace.  Live courses offered at scheduled times are designed for group participation.  

If you are ready for personalized support a coaching client receives, you will want to look for a coach that has expertise and training to support your goals.   

What to keep in mind? 

  • Therapy is not the same as coaching but some therapists and  counselors may be trained in coaching.  
  • There are many reputable coach training programs. Co-Active® Institute has trained thousands of coaches preparing them to deliver successful life coaching.  
  • Some coaches choose to specialize  as a relationship coach, business coach, career coach, or executive life coach.  

No matter what type of coaching you are looking for, it is important to find a coach whose coaching style works for you.  Many coaches offer a consultation session to help both of you assess the match.  

Regardless, knowing what to do without taking action is no better than not knowing at all. Today,  you can make a decision to take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.  Go slow and be patient with yourself.  Practice self-compassion, and get support that feels good to you.  Before you know it those voices in your head will become a distant memory.   And  you will be enjoying a life that you previously thought was out of reach.   

The only regret you may have is that you didn’t do it sooner.

Make a New Choice

Person standing on top of mountain looking at sky filled with clouds and sunlight

If you’re tired of wondering what life could be like, it’s probably a sign that you’re ready  to take the next step.  

And if you want some professional support, there is no time like the present to see what a difference a little bit of life coaching could make. Afterall, there is a price to be paid for delaying. Including costs to your mental and emotional health. 

A life coach can help you gain a fresh perspective and see the choices available to you.  She can help you access your motivation for making changes, and help sustain your motivation during difficult times. And, she can help you see where your choices are (and aren’t) in alignment with  what matters most to you   

A life coach can help you become more of who you were meant to be, and help you step into the flow of a more fulfilling life. 

And put those old voices to bed. 

Loads of Love, 
